Spalt Elektromechanik- und Maschinenbau

The company Spalt is a small-sized coorperation, which is located in Frohnleiten. The Family business is made up from 25 employees, who are always present when company needs them. The company was made in 1985 by the company´s establisher Alfred Spalt and has been in this kind of business ever-since. In respect to the engagement of our employees, we are investing more time in our coorperation strategy, so we can all reach our business goals and targets.
measuring instrument
testing field stator and rotor end-winding

Technologies and Competences

The company Spalt specialized in repair and maintenance of motors, generators and pumps. We normaly handle in our workshop machines which weigh up to 20 tonns. We have also been involved in railway sector for a very long period of time and we have been involved in railway machine repairn including train and tram motors. Our motors and machines are tried and tested, in our test-station workshop. We have a big range of dynamic balancing techniques at our company´s workshop, and at our client´s premises. This is possible due to a high level and special training of our staff. 

Standards & Certifications

  • ISO-9001:2015
Last Update: 8 May 2019